I’m on a mission to create spaces for modern country life in some of America’s best, undiscovered places through residential and commercial development. I help my clients pursue a rural move while also benefitting local counties and improving quality of life for all. I’m trying to do this by creating new spaces people want to be.

Before that, I brought some of your favorite brands to market and worked on Strategy and Experience Design at advertising agencies.

My name is Lucy Small. I’m a Canadian currently living in North Georgia with my husband, 2 toddlers and an ever increasing number of dogs.

After a pretty good career as a marketing executive in tech and advertising, I became interested in hedonic adaptation (as in, what makes people happy and what keeps them that way) and pursued an MBA in behavioral economics at the University of Warwick to better explore the research. After spending so long building things in the digital space, I wanted to understand how to create physical spaces that promote happiness and well-being in the long term. I also became accredited through the US Green Building Council as a LEED professional in building design and construction to better implement what I found - which is that rural spaces offer the perfect space and opportunity for modern happiness seekers to create an interesting, fulfilling life that is both productive and abundant.

Now, I’m on mission to create modern country life. I’ve (literally) set up shop in Blue Ridge, Georgia - an absolute small town gem in the Blue Ridge Mountains - and am dedicated to provide my clients with a turnkey solution for designing their life in the country.

In 2021, I started State and Season.

State and Season is North Georgia’s only retail and design showroom, open to the public and offering turnkey solutions for residential, commercial and public projects with materials, engineering and architectural services under one roof.


What I care about

Removing stigma and barriers to relocation and life in rural areas.

Building neighborhoods for life and work without increasing commute times, costs of living, homelessness, poor air quality or cultural bubbles.

Improving quality of life factors in undeveloped or underdeveloped environments through mixed-use and innovative amenity spaces .

Bringing new populations to rural areas and encouraging cultural exchanges through community functions.


How to reach me for a chat.